
What Are You Looking At?

In the past, before computers took over the universe, when one presented a client with a photograph, it was a either a print or a transparency.  In those circumstances, one thing was for sure, both the client and the photographer were looking at the same thing.  They may have even been standing in the same room.  There’s a novelty!

Now, that was good.

Then came an alternative.  Computer monitors and emails.  Now we make an image file, making exactly the same efforts (in a different way) to get the image just right.  We then send that digital file to the client who views it on a monitor that is bound to be profiled in a different way to the photographer’s (i.e. wrongly).  So the client is looking at a different image.

Now, that is bad.

What is worse, is that sometimes, the photographer makes the image on an incorrectly profiled monitor in the first place!

Now, that’s just plain silly.

Monitors are always wrong straight out of the box.

Did you notice anyone profiling yours?